Thursday, November 20, 2008

Wishing my life away

I feel so cliche complaining about high school, but I do I hate the hallowed halls I walk everyday. I've been afflicted with senoritas since freshmen year. The people are all so fake I feel as if I'm living in an 80's teen flick. I'm like Ali Sheedy from the Breakfast Club on the inside, but Molly Ringwald on the out. I guess I am like everyone else for faking my way through the day.What else do they expect me to do? Wow I really sound like a self absorbed teenager. I feel like I should be saying sorry to everyone apologizing for being myself since I totally know who that is and everything.....sarcasm. I never stop with the sarcasm. Oh and I thought this picture fit perfectly.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Closing Time

I left you before you held me
I wasn’t your first choice
I was there by default
And my heart happened to pass my mind
Closing time for me and mine
It happened when I went a way
For maybe just a day
I fell down you picked me up
You set me back down a bit off kilter
I turned to you and not to him
Which I should have done
But like usual
I was given a second chance
Am I just throwing it all away again?
Or can one be saved before closing time?


I remember all those nights we talked
All we ever did was talk
but it was all I ever needed
I remember when you left me in the cold
Saying all those things to me
Making me break the glue that held me together
For all the damning things I said
she left you heartbroken
The things that I wish I could take back grow in number each day
None so much as what I did to you
Sorrow from the depths of my soul
I wish we could start anew
Then again I don’t
You taught me so much
Yet left me in pieces
And to think I wasn’t the one who really loved you


Southern peaches caress my skin
As I jump back to yester year
His eyes they looked back in time
Ravaging my skin like a blister in the sun
When he touched me it was like liquid fire and ice burning yet in the end so cold
It hurt just like that
He did this with bedroom eyes
As brown eyed girl played on the radio
Only thing is mine are blue
It was all wrong on that sunny blue April day
My innocence just couldn't be lost like that in a field of flowers
That was ever so true
Here's the thing we weren't at all
So I pulled myself off the ground
I hurt myself coming up
As I watched the blood run down my knee and as it formed a stream that went down a line of crushed lily's
And I knew I would not be coming back