Friday, October 23, 2009

Midnight Hearts

Midnight Hearts

LOCATION: schoolroom , Knoxville
YEAR: 2007
TAGS: Like not love
PUBLISHED: September 22, 2008
SONG: Linger- The Cranberries

I was singing Zombie and couldn't get it out of my head one day in Algebra. Looking around I ask if anyone likes The Cranberries? He of course, replied, " I like "Linger". Everyone else too oblivious to life to even know who The Cranberries are/were. I was annoyed at first because I thought that it was a typical answer. I shrugged it off and filed it to the back of my mind under misc.information. Never, guessing that I would fall for him. Dylan the boy with curly brown hair and piercing gaze that rivels Jim Morrison's. As, I developed this crushI remembered this song and how he liked it. I wrote this poem for him a while back and yes, of course linger was playing in the background.
Take me in your arms
Holding me with your sweet embrace
Until we part for one reason or another
What is it that we must be unsatisfied with life?
Passion coursing through our veins
The want and need we hold for one another
Yet, we refrain
Those, glances from across the room
Forever burned into my memory
To be forgotten
As we lay down each other and pick up another
Both, wondering what would have been
If we had not been so afraid to fall
Pride held us back
Your words burned into me and still do
Reminiscing on the past I know I could have changed it all with a word
A single gesture toward you
Yet, I decided to remain coy
Now, I am left here to wonder what could have been
Idealizing my past mistakes with a sweet honesty
Which only a jaded heart could do
Someone who hurts but
is searching for that person
who completes them
Ignoring my own advice because I know
That nothing ever ends with happily ever after
Yet, I still end up wishing for one with you

Note: I didn't end up with this boy, but I'm not sad about it.

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